Stretches and Exercise
Sometimes we find ourselves stuck at a desk all day, whether that be due to your job, studying or something else. Being sat down for long periods of time, particularly when hunched over a computer, can really affect your whole body, state of mind and your self-esteem. It can cause aches and pains throughout your body mainly in your neck and back. Being at a computer can cause eyestrain and headaches, it can also lead to you feeling tired and drained.
Thankfully, there is a really simple solution to this: short bursts of exercise and stretching. Not only will short but frequent bursts of movement can ease tension in your muscles but it will also free tension from your mind. You will feel more productive, less drowsy and it is beneficial to your overall health. Obviously, if you wish and are able to you can spend longer on your exercises but this is a great way to get started.
One way of sneaking those little exercise sessions into your day is by setting an alarm depending on the time you have available. If you are pushed for time, try a three-minute burst every hour or two, you will still feel a difference. Of course, your environment will also have an impact on the exercises you can do. If you are in an office situation low on space simply leave to stretch your legs, walk up a flight of stairs or two, go to get some water. Even these small activities will have a positive effect on your body. However, if you have a bit more freedom and work in a more open situation you will be able to do much more with your available space.
Here are a few activity regimes for different situations. The time you are able to spend will be up to you and your schedule but every little bit will help so don’t brush it off entirely. You can mix and match and even add more if you wish, these are just ideas to get you moving in various spaces.
Office/Low space/Strict Workplace:
Stretch, breath, open your palms and relax your muscles.
Take a flight of stairs or two, you could do this on your way to the bathroom for example.
Get a glass of water. Try to stretch a bit as you do, particularly your back.
On your lunch break take a walk.
Circular shoulder movements.
Try to walk as much as you can/have time for on the way to and from work.
More casual workplace/ Studying at home/In a larger area:
Stretch, breath, open your palms and relax your muscles.
10 toe touches.
10 star jumps.
10 air punches.
10 squats.
10 lunges, each leg.
Free space/Studying at home/working from home:
Stretch, breath, open your palms and relax your muscles.
10 lunges, each leg.
10 star jumps.
Jog on the spot.
10 squats.
Air punches.
10 sit-ups.
Toe touches.
You can even make up your own exercise regime! Try to work in some extra stretches wherever you can. As long as you are allowing yourself a few minutes here and there to simply move it will benefit you. You will find that you ache less, have more energy and may even concentrate more on what you are doing. So why not try it out and see how you feel? Have fun with it!