The importance of communication

Communication and socialising is a key part of our lives, especially as we all lead such busy and different lives from our loved ones, communication becomes even more important. It is also vital to maintaining any kind of relationship, romantic, platonic or otherwise. However, communicating effectively can be difficult, as we are all human and therefore prone to emotional reactions or simply misunderstandings or being too scared to speak our true feelings. Today we are going to discuss why communication is important in any kind of relationship, and how to practise good, healthy and effective communication.

One of the biggest reasons communication is important is simply to ensure that you are being treated fairly and your opinions and perspectives are being heard. It also saves a lot of misunderstanding later on in a friendship or relationship and prevents you from entering relationships with anyone who you don’t think is compatible with yourself. It can be difficult - people are often scared of annoying a friend or loved one and so hide their opinions, but these debates and disagreements are vital to understanding each other, and allows you to work through issues and reach compromises, whether it's with a partner or your parents. 

So how can you improve your communication?

The key to good communication is honesty - be honest with what you want and how you feel without being rude or aggressive, and use this to work towards a solution or compromise to the situation that benefits all parties. Make sure, however, that you do not approach situations in an argumentative way, but instead try to find a solution. Make sure that you are also finding the right time for these important conversations e.g. have them face-to-face if possible, and make sure everyone is as stress-free as possible and you are in a place where you are comfortable and have enough time to work through these issues. Everyone communicates differently, and some people do not find it as easy as others, so make sure you are being patient and understanding and allow everyone to get their feelings out in the open. 

Communication is a two-way street, so as well as expressing your feelings, you need to be listening to the other person’s point of view. They may have perspectives on the situation you had not considered, or may be feeling something you had not anticipated. Regardless, a key component of communicating is listening with an open mind and listening attentively. Remember, you are trying to reach a common solution, not simply argue, so listening and understanding another person’s point of view is incredibly important. 

The worst thing you can do is bottle up your emotions - we are all guilty of it at some point, but not expressing your emotions in a healthy way can only be detrimental for all involved. If you are struggling with communication, maybe ask someone to be the impartial designated middle-man to solve a conflict, or don’t be scared to go to a professional for counselling. Communication is key in all aspects of our lives, so learning how to communicate effectively with anyone is a great skill to have.